Educational Policies in Political Manifestos and their Failure

One and half year ago, the current political party took hold of the government and declared its policies for all the aspects of government. Talking of current government and the political instability that this government is facing whether because of its own decision or because of strong opposition, It is childish to resurface the issue we have been facing since the day of independence . And that issue is our weak educational policies. This is not just the case with the current government but if we look back into the previous democratic government along with the dictatorship, there had been no such government that was capable of implementing a strong educational policy.
Looking into our present situation of lagging behind in every aspect of development no matter whether it’s science and technology or sports and health. Along them our educational policies has been annihilating our development in every order. Now, why is this so? The educational policy, one government tries to implement is actually a result of an over a night usual political call/meeting held among few members of that political party , a few days before election. The irony here is, actually expecting something fruitful from our educational policy, constructed by a group of people without any educationist among them. Here, the political experience of those policy makers shan’t be taken into account because that’s not enough here. Along with one proper educationist different educational sectors need respective education cannot be merged with the policy of higher education. These are two different educational sectors.
As a final year undergraduate student, I have never encounter news of our any achievement in the field of education, Although its been a long 16 years of education. If this is not enough for our educational fiasco then what would be? Its hard to confess that we are equally responsible for our current situation of failure, as we have been through it but none of us said a word through any mean. As they say, its no use to cry over split milk but they also say, it’s never late. Through student union we can still demand a proper educational policy, along with it’s implementation. As our educational policies need a proper educationists and we can demand this too through student union. Lack of practical approach towards all from of education, whether its science and technology or if its literature and social sciences has also been one big hurdle in our educational development.

Sherdil khan                                                                                    


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